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      Не отображаются системы в RIS

      17:19, 17 марта 2005 ( Microsoft Administration Remote Install  )
      Q. Why are some Microsoft Remote Installation Services (RIS) images not displayed o­n my RIS OS selection menu?

      John Savill
      InstantDoc #42475
      John Savill's FAQ for Windows

      A. When a RIS client computer boots so it can install an OS from the RIS server, the client displays a list of OS images that are applicable to it. A problem occurs when the image's hardware abstraction layer (HAL) differs from the HAL that the local machine should use (e.g., single-processor HAL versus multiprocessor HAL). I experienced this problem recently when I used the Remote Installation Preparation (RIPrep) utility to create an image from a client workstation. When I booted another computer so it could install an OS from the RIS server, the computer didn't display the image. The problem was that the computer I used to create the image had hyperthreading enabled, which means the HAL is a multiprocessor version (although the machine actually has o­nly o­ne CPU), whereas the destination machine didn't have hyperthreading and required a single-CPU HAL. If the HAL is the same o­n both the imaged and local systems, compare the NTFS permissions o­n the RIS server's image folder with the permissions o­n an image that you know works. If the permissions aren't the same, adjust them o­n the image folder so they match the permissions o­n the folder of the working image

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