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      BSOD на W2K3 SP1 c Citrix Presentation Server 3.0

      10:09, 20 октября 2005 ( Microsoft Administration Citrix  )
      I started a support case with MS and this is the answer I got. It might explain why the top 5 viewed issues in this forum are related to BSOD and reboots (same thing handled differently)

      "According to the dump file, the issue occurred as some paged pools were not released properly in the current terminal session. The related pool tags included Ggls, Gffv, Gh2. This result indicates the issue is same with many other reports we received recently. As all the related pool tags are allocated from win32k.sys, we have forwarded the dump files to our development team and they are working o­n this issue."
      "So far, all of the reported problematic servers are with Windows 2003 Server and Service Pack 1 (SP1). Based o­n our experience, uninstalling SP1 can be considered as a temporary workaround before the fix is released."

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